Friday, April 1, 2011

From the Home Office: Guykus and Famous People

Guyku by Bob Raczka and Peter H. Reynolds
This year I discovered a great book by the team of Bob Raczka and Peter Reynolds.

I read this book to my third grade students who are also in the middle of their Famous America + some explorers + King Tut drive to the Virginia SOLs (Standards of Learning).

So although we learned that haikus are traditionally about nature, we decided to mix it up a bit and create our haikus about our famous person.

I found this great organizer from Read, Think, Write.  Using the Haiku Starter, the students first brainstormed the main ideas about their famous person.  The second week they created their haikus.  I tried to get them to title their work something other than the name of their famous person.

My next step is to illustrate them with the famous person's photograph using BigHugeLabs for display at our school.

I've found my students love to you?
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