In my last post I grumbled about not having taken better pictures of the lovely stained glass windows in the children's section of the Vinalhaven (ME) Public Library. Well, grumble and ye shall receive! Fortunately, my photographer in the field (aka Dad) obliged by taking these pictures for you to enjoy! Now I only wish I had noted the name of the artist... (grumble, grumble). To be continued!
I love bookish artwork. I'm visiting a friend in Boston soon and want to make sure to ride the swan boats in the Public Garden and, of course, visit my friends, the Mallards. I guess the artist who the the duck sculptures also has other sculptures related to books around Boston so I'm hoping I can find them, too! She has a Blueberries for Sal sculpture at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens...not sure how far that is from where you are/were in Maine. :)